Battcar Installation ManualSystem B CB and Slider Cars 6mm Clevis Pin
4. Attach head of sail to headboard car with clevis pin and cotter pin.2. Screw threaded stud to terminal.3. Load toggle using 5 mm hex wrench and 10
HARKENHARKENLazy JacksUse shock cord to hold lazy jacks open so battcars and battens will not catch on them. This will also help stop slapping of laz
Halyard Attachment HoleUse aft hole if headboard has two. If not, drill second hole to accept halyard shackle pin. Locate hole approximately 21/2"
Distance Between Attachment PointsBattens and intermediate cars placed at sailmaker's discretion. Maximum distance between attachment points is
Problem Probable Cause SolutionCut end of top or bottom track is at joint.Make sure the anodized end is towards the full length track.Tracks do not b
N15W24983 Bluemound Rd. Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072 USA Telephone: (262) 691-3320 • Fax: (262) 701-5780 Web: • Email: [email protected]
CB System Part No.Slider System Part No. Description Comments3838 3833Headboard cars3839 3836Intermediate cars If battens are close enough intermediat
SizingMake sure that you have the correct size battcar system for your boat.Sail Modifications See page 12.1. Mainsail Headboard A. Drill new halya
Round track length to nearest 1" (25 mm). NOTE: Chart is based on using a 93/8" (238 mm) or 91/2" (241 mm) lower end track.CB/Slider S
2. Deburr cut. Slightly round track corners that will slide against mast.1. Cut special length top track from 6'91/8" (2.06 m) track.5 or mo
1. Slip top track slugs into mast groove. Use 17/16" (36 mm) mounting slug for top stop. Short top track lengths Top slug 11/2" (38 mm) 3&
7. Hold full-length track piece up to mast. Loosely install top screw.Use putty knife to slide additional slugs and connector slug into place. Loosely
Required Parts1616 TrackDetermine Track Length. Bottom track must be short enough to remove easily. Use 18" to 24" (457 mm to 609 mm) lengt
CB System Load Cars on TrackSlider System Load Cars on Track Part Length Bearing Quantity Ball ø Number Car Type in mm Col
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